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Easy Mask Tag
Friday, January 21, 2011

This tutorial is for those that have a working knowledge of PSP and was created using PSP version 9 however it may be created in other versions as well.

Tube used in this example is from artist ©Elias Chatzouis  which you must retain a license in order to use that can be purchased Here.

Materials Used
Scrap Kit by Just A Girl Designs called "Sweethearts Day" Which is a paid kit and can be purchased  from a store listed on her blog Here

Missy's Tag Template #102 Here

Cybia: Screenworks Here

Let's Get Started

1. Open Missy's tag template #102. Duplicate (Shift +D) the template and close the original. Image- Canvas size and change the width and height to 650x550 keeping the template centered.

2. Highlight the bottom white layer and then on your foreground color palette change to white then flood fill this layer with white. Delete the watermark and hearts layers as well.

3. Highlight the shape layer and duplicate. Resize the duplicated layer by 80%. You will not see that you have resized it but trust me it is resized :). 

4. Highlight the original shape layer, Selections-select all-selections float-selections defloat. Selections modify and expand by 1 pixel. Change your foreground color on your color palette to #8C2229 and flood fill this selection. KEEP SELECTED!

5. Selections-modify-contract by 3 pixels. Open Paper #6, resize 70%. Copy and back on your tag image paste as a new layer. Selections-invert and hit your delete key. Select none. Layers-Merge-Merge down. Apply your favorite drop shadow.

6. Highlight the duplicated shape layer. Selections-select all- selections-float selections-defloat. Selections Modify Expand 1 pixel. Change your foreground color white and flood fill this selection with white. KEEP SELECTED!

7. Selections-modify-contract by 3 pixels. Open Paper #16, resize 70%. Copy and back on your tag image paste as a new layer. Selections-invert and hit your delete key. Select none. Layers-Merge-Merge down. Apply your Favorite drop shadow.

8. Highlight the circle layer. Selections-select all, Selections-float, Selections-defloat, Selections modify-expand 1 pixel. Open paper #18, resize 70%. Copy and back on tag image paste as a new layer. Selections-invert, hit your delete key. Select none. Layers Merge down. Apply Favorite drop shadow.

9. Highlight the dotted circle layer and apply the following drop shadow: Vertical and Horizontal = 0, Opacity = 70, Blur = 3.

10. Open the parchment element and resize by 55 % and sharpen. Copy and paste as a new layer and place it on the top of the template.  (See my tag for reference). Apply  your favorite drop shadow.

11. Open the red roses element and resize 50% and sharpen. Copy and paste as a new layer on your tag image. Move this layer down below all of the template layers but above the white background layer and place it to the upper left of the template. Apply your Favorite drop shadow. Duplicate this layer. Image Mirror and arrange it just a little to the right and a little lower than the original. Duplicate this layer and arrange it near the center top of the template. (See my tag for reference).

12. Highlight the very top layer and open the pink metal heart element. Resize by 25% and sharpen. Copy and paste as a new layer and arrange to the right of the circle keeping half the heart in and half the heart outside of the circle. Layers-arrange-move down. Apply your favorite drop shadow then duplicate the layer. Image Mirror.

13. Open the cupid element (the one without the bow) and resize by 10% and sharpen. Copy and paste as a new layer on your tag image then move it to the center of your right heart. Duplicate the layer. Image Mirror.

14. Open the feather wings and resize 40% and sharpen. Copy and paste as a new layer on your tag image and move it down to the bottom of your circle leaving the bottom of the shape in view. Apply your favorite drop shadow.

15. Highlight the very bottom (white) layer and hide it. Now highlight any of the other layers and go to Layers-Merge-Merge Visible and resize it by 95% then move it down to about the center of your canvas. 

16. Open the heart bling element (do not close the element), Do not resize. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your tag image. Image rotate 45% to the right. Layers- Move down. Duplicate the layer. Image mirror.

17. Go back to your heart bling element and using your freehand tool point to point select the 3 hearts on the far right then hold your shift and r keys (this will crop the rest of the hearts out). Copy then back on your tag paste as a new layer. Image rotate-free 55% to the left. Resize 90% then move it over to the right of your template. See my tag for reference. Apply your favorite drop shadow then duplicate, Image mirror and arrange to your liking.
** You may want to cut out more hearts to go around  your tag if you wish to do so.**

18. Once you have everything to your liking, make sure that your bottom white background is still hidden. If it isnt hide it again. Then click on one of the other layers and go to Layers-merge-merge visible.

19. Duplicate this layer. Now Highlight the original layer and go to Adjust-blur-gaussian blur with a radius of 15. Now go to Effects-Plugins-Cybia-Screenworks and scroll down until you find fine rule and apply the default settings. 

20. Highlight the very top layer. Go to layers Merge-merge down and resize 85%.

21. Open the tube you wish to have on your tag and resize as needed. Copy and paste as a new layer and arrange to your liking and then add your favorite drop shadow.

22. Add your copyright and name and export as your favorite image format and you are now finished.

23. Now add your copyright and name to your tag and export as your favorite image file and you are finished.

I hope that you enjoyed doing my tutorial and if you have any problems please email me and I will help you where you need it 

Thank You
Angel Wolf

Here is a result from one of my testers "Paula"
Thank you so much for testing this tut.
I absolutely love your result girl!



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I Create For:

 Dees Sign Depot




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Barbara Jensen= BJ0929
Suzanne Woolcott= SW623
Zindy S.D. Nielsen= ZZT775
Keith Garvey= KG2374
Pics For Design= PFD_AngelWolf
Ismael Rac= IRD900W
Elias Chatzoudis= EAS13860
Roman Zaric= RZ306
PSP Project= TPP01808
Very Many= VMT_AngelWolf

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