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Easy Mask Tag
Monday, February 7, 2011

This tutorial is for those that have a working knowledge of PSP and was created using PSP version 9 however it may be created in other versions as well.

Tube used in this example is from the wonderful artist ©Keith Garvey which you must retain a license in order to use that can now be purchased HERE


Materials Used

Scrap Kit byTamie-Addictive Pleasures "Amour" Which is a paid kit. You obtain this kit from her store at Dreams N Digital

Font Used: MrsBlackfort 
Lets Get Started

1. Open a new image 750x750 with a transparent background (we will re size later).

2. Open ele18. Copy and paste as a new layer on your  new tag image. Using your magic wand select the center of the frame. Selections, modify and expand 5 pixels. High light your bottom layer and open paper 9. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image. Selections invert and press your delete key. Deselect.

3. Open ele51. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image. Arrange towards the top of the frame. Duplicate image flip, arrange to your liking. Duplicate once more and move to the center again arranging to your liking. Once you are happy with your sparkles you will merge them all together so they are only one layer.

4. High light  your frame layer and with your magic wand select the center of the frame. Selections Invert. Now high light your sparkles layer and press your delete key. This will remove any part of the sparkles that are outside of the frame.

5. High light your top layer. Open ele66. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image. Re size 50% image sharpen. Image rotate free to the left 30° and move it to your upper left of the tag. See my tag for placement. Duplicate and mirror. Layers merge, merge down. Duplicate , image, flip. Drag the hearts layer down to the bottom.

6. High light your top layer. Open ele34. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image. Image rotate free 15° to the right. Place on the right side of your frame. Again see my tag for placement. Once satisfied, duplicate, image mirror. Layers, merge down. 

7. Open ele43. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image. Place it in on the right side over the roses, again see my tag for placement.

8. Open ele52 Image mirror. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image and place in the lower right of your tag. See mine for placement. 

9. Open ele59. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image. Re size 70% and place in the top center of your frame.

10. Open ele30. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image. Re size 75%. Arrange this element near the bottom but over lapping your frame.

11. Open ele1. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image. Re size 70% and arrange to the lower left above the ribbon. 

12. Open ele65 Image mirror. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image. Re size 40% and place in the left center of your frame, duplicate, image mirror. Rotate to the left 15°, re size 70% sharpen and place on the right side on your large rose. See my tag for placement.

13. Open Your tube of choice and re size as needed. Copy and paste as a new layer onto your new tag image and place to your liking. 

14. Now you will want to apply your favorite drop shadow to all of your elements and your main tube. Merge all your layers together and add your copyright and name and export as your favorite image format

Thank you for trying my tutorial. I hope you have enjoyed doing it.
Angel Wolf



About Me

I Create For:

 Dees Sign Depot




Tony TZ= TTZ2535
Arthur Crowe= AC1120
Up Your Art= UYA2264
Barbara Jensen= BJ0929
Suzanne Woolcott= SW623
Zindy S.D. Nielsen= ZZT775
Keith Garvey= KG2374
Pics For Design= PFD_AngelWolf
Ismael Rac= IRD900W
Elias Chatzoudis= EAS13860
Roman Zaric= RZ306
PSP Project= TPP01808
Very Many= VMT_AngelWolf

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MPT= MPT5586